Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Unfinished Objects: The knitting frontier

This is where I want to post the Unfinished Objects that I, and others, have started, but not finished.
How many projects do you think the average knitter has, at any one time?
How many do you have started?
Well, I personally don't know how many UFO's lurk in the closets, attics, and other assorted cubbies of my home. (And office, and car, and camper, ...)
So, as I find them, I'm going to post them. Some of them were just forgotten. Others were discovered to have a fatal flaw; something that went undetected until that moment when these words were uttered: "How do you think that's going to work?"
Maybe as you peruse the photos, you can give me ideas on how to conquer these flaws and finish these works of fiber art.
And, I'm developing a 12 step program for dealing with my addiction to crafts in general, knitting specifically. Maybe it's actually a buying disorder? I love to buy the stuff to create, but don't actually end up with many finished crafts pieces.
Something to think on.........

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