Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Help! DH is helping me Organize!

And he found the hidden part of my stash! Oh, No!

It was like the Titanic hitting that iceberg. The night was calm and beautiful, albiet frigid and the sky spitting wet icy pellets. We were all warm and snug, oblivious to the furry yet to come. The hull ripped open, and the Red Heart started spilling out. Little lifeboats of boxes and bags were strewn about with the pitiful loner skeins and balls floating helter skelter on the carpet. Some of them had their little lifejackets of band balls all askew and torn. Hanks of hand dyed alpaca from the renfest had come undone, to be trampled in the avalanche of books, magazines, pamphlets and pattern sheets. The scent of lavendar mothballs and rosemary / edar/mint moth packets filled the air. The luxurious mohair and angora brought down to the mercy of the acrylic and nylon. Fastitdious skeins of worsted forced to mingle with the frothy balls of gaudy Friz and Fun Fur. The screaming! The humanity....

This is not pretty, and won't be for several months to come.

Bless his little heart, I know he's trying to help. The screaming and weeping was only in my head. Nothing was damaged. Nothing of value was thrown out. But, ......
How do you all deal with this kind of thing?

I know now that I have a deep seated OCD/HD - that's all shortened for Obsessive Compulsive Hoarding Disorder. Now that I have a label for it, and have found resources for dealing with it, I'm getting the help I need.

What is a "healthy stash"? How much crafting supplies does it take before you're over the edge into an OCD/HD order of magnitude? Where is the line?

Honestly, though, this can't be like Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous, or even Gambler's Anon. Can it?
I can't quit knitting, and crafting, and never go back. I know it's an addiction, and I've chosen it very carefully. Knitting and craftiness is a talent, and should not be wasted, Right?

Have any of you had to deal with totally out of control craft stashing? I don't mean just that you have trouble organizing what you have. I mean the out of control buying stuff!

As an example, I found at least 2 copies of the same issue of one magazine in the same room.

How do you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, when you have enough stuff?
How do you control the buying, the spending, the starting new projects before finishing the old ones?
Who defines what is reasonable? How does one draw the line that you won't cross? How do we get help?

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