How do you draw the line between a WIP and a UFO? Is it a conscious decision? A slow metamorphosis? A painful realization? Total surprise? Unobserved and unnoticed phenomenon?
Working Hypothesi: (what is the plural of Hypothesis?)
Is it time? Is their an expiration date at which a WIP becomes a UFO?
Is it place? When it moves from the bag you carry to the bottom of the closet? When it moves from the living room to the attic?
Is it a level of frustration? There's that point in the patten directions that makes no sense?
Is it a change on the part of the Victim? The intended changes size: A newborn sweater won't fit a 2 year old. The MIL went on the Greatest Loser diet. Oops! it's a boy, not a girl.
Is it a change of fashion? That color is sooooo last year! No one's wearing those any more.
Is it a change of season? It eventually just gets too hot to knit with Cowichan in July. Explaining the silk string bikini is too much in October.
Is it a change in tools? The lost needle, the puppy chewed the cable needle, the row counter was a good toy for distracting the toddler in the waiting room. Broken, lost, changed.....
Is it a change in materials? The yarn ran out before the pattern was done. The skeins obviously weren't all from the same dye lot.
Is it a mental problem? The ADHD kicks in and the new project is started. The OCD sneaks up and there's suddenly new bags of yarn that must be attended to. Boredom, there's only so many thousand stockinette stitches a person can do.
What is it about these projects that sit languishing? Is it better to group them all together so they can keep each other company? Or would it be best to have one in each room on the off chance that it would be picked up in a spare moment?
Inspiration: Can I figure out a way to turn this into a decorating style? Stash as Decor? WIP as art? Would a WIP in a vase qualify as a centerpiece? All that (fake) crystal and (faux) china in the hutch aren't doing anything useful now. How far can I get with this before the DH and kids notice? Who will notice first? I'm betting on the very observant Eldest Daughter. But, as she is newly married, nursing student, not living in the house anymore, it'll probably be a little while.
Ideas anyone?
What's your hypothesis on the transition from WIP to UFO?
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